The Japan Association of Radiological Technologists, to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the discovery of X-ray, has issued a selection of articles considered to be particularly useful to radiological technologists throughout the world. These have been selected from the latest contributions to “Journal of JART” – the academic journal for radiological technologists in Japan.
The contents of “Journal of JART” have three major features. First, they serve to advertise lifelong education seminars to members in order to provide high quality medical technologies in collaboration with citizens and medical professionals. Second, they comprise articles on clinical radiological technology research that is routinely conducted by members. And third, they comprise articles that are contributed by members and non-members based on medical science and technology.
The Japan Association of Radiological Technologists is committed to expanding the work of radiological technologists based on scientific backing. We will continue to introduce the clinical, education, and research achievements of radiological technologists in “Journal of JART” and strive to enhance its contents. I hope that this English language journal will be a useful resource for radiological technologists throughout the world.